Truvada drug is used by people with HIV help in reducing the spread of the virus. However, it has some side effects which has caused a lot of people to lose kidneys, some people have lost their vision, and some are finding it hard to fight the bone density loss. Therefore, if you have been in such a situation and you are spending a lot of money balancing your kidney, then you have to consider looking for compensation. This case can be hard to deal with, which means that you have to hire a personal injury attorney who handles the Truvada cases. You can find several law firms such as the Onder Law Firm which have Truvada lawyers which, means that you have to read more here for you to identify the best attorney for your case.


You can use referrals from your primary doctor who handles your HIV journey. This doctor must have experienced cases like yours, and thus, would be a great way to find a Truvada lawyer for your case. Again, if you know other people who have fought for compensation from the Truvada manufacturing company, you can request the lawyer they hired. It would be of help because you would be recommended to an attorney who has handled other Truvada cases and won according to the needs of the clients which means that you can as well win the case and be compensated accordingly.


Experience in fighting such drug manufacturers is essential for your case to be won. Consequently, you need a Truvada lawyer who is well experienced to ensure your case is won. This means that the lawyer you are about to hire should have been in drug compensation cases for more than ten years to gain enough experience to handle your case. It as well means that the lawyer should have worked in other Truvada drug cases to ensure that you are provided with the best representation and you would get the compensation you deserve. Get more details about these lawyers at


You should look for an attorney who is working with a law firm for your Truvada case. You need the best compensation considering you have spent money, and still, you need to spend more for your health stability. Hence, you need a lawyer who is working with a law firm to get all the necessary evidence to prepare your case and win. You need to win the case, and thus, the drug you took should have all the details the manufacturer, the date of manufacturing, and the model number. The pharmaceutical engineers should be used to determine whether your case is relevant and you can win. Therefore, a lawyer working with a law firm has all the resources needed to acquire the evidence needed for your case to win.


The attorney you are about to elect should have handled both the settlement and trial cases when it comes to compensation. Sometimes the manufacturing company may choose not to settle, which means that your case has to head to a trial for your compensation. A lawyer who has handled such cases in a trial would have enough expertise on what to expect and how to respond during trial for your compensation to come through. Click here and learn more: